Question 3


Intimacy refers to the experience of connecting with another based on feelings of care and affection. It can include behaviours involving the display of closeness and familiarity within a relationship.

Question 3 concerns the resident’s comprehension and needs for intimacy, and reveals its significance and the preferred intimate behaviours that may be enjoyed. Knowing a resident’s intimate preferences not only helps in meeting their needs but also assists care providers and care staff. It prepares them to expect intimate behaviours from the resident, especially if it is their preferred way of engaging with others. This understanding can also aid in identifying whether acts of intimacy are part of their communication and connection. For instance, holding hands may be a way for a resident to connect with a care provider or another resident. Ultimately, comprehending these intimate behaviours can lead to better support for the resident, ensuring that their preferences and needs are fulfilled.

All people have a need for intimacy in their lives. Intimacy can mean different things for different people.

3A: What does intimacy mean to you?

3B: How important is it to you to have intimacy in your life?

3C: Would you like to add or tell me anything else about this before we move onto the next question?

3D: What forms of intimate behaviour do you prefer or enjoy?

If a resident expresses a desire to engage in intimate behaviours, they should be encouraged to discuss this with their spouse, partner. significant other, lover, or special friend, and engage in them appropriately. With consent of the resident, this information should be shared with the care team, so that they are understanding and aware of these behaviours from the resident.