Question 7

Romantic and/or Sexual Relationship

Question 7 relates the resident’s current desire to be in either a romantic or sexual relationship. This question focuses on determining whether the resident seeks an interpersonal relationship, despite expressing a preference for engaging in intimate or sexual behaviours. The answer to this question can help inform recommendations on how to best support the resident, such as whether to facilitate their involvement in intimate or sexual behaviours with a partner or on an individual basis.

7A: How important is it to you to be in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone?

7B: Would you like to add or tell me anything else about this before we move onto the next question?

7C: Have you been married or involved in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with another person?

If yes to 7C, follow up with 7D: Over the course of your life, have you been married or involved in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with another person?

Are you currently in a romantic and/or sexual relationship with someone or more than one person?

If yes: Is he/she/they living in or outside the nursing home?

If no: Would you like to be in a romantic relationship with someone?

7E: How important is it for your spouse/partner/significant other/lover/special friend to feel comfortable visiting and spending private and intimate time with you in this place of residence?

7F: Would you like to add or tell me anything else about this before we move onto the next question?

7G: How would you like us to support you and your spouse/ partner/significant other/ lover/special friend to have an intimate and private time together?

If the resident discloses being in a current romantic or sexual relationship, it is important to take into account and monitor the following:

  • Any signs of distress or negative effects on either person in the relationship
  • An escalation in the level of intimacy
  • An increase in cognitive decline (for the resident)
  • Emotional turmoil
  • Possible resistance from the resident’s family towards the relationship